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IKEA Sleepover Party

Terms and Conditions 
  • The Event is organized by The Dairy Farm Company, Limited (IKEA Hong Kong). By participating in the IKEA Sleepover Party (hereafter the “Event”), you must read the following Terms and Conditions carefully.  

  • By registering for and/or participating in the Event, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions herein.  

  • We reserve the right of final acceptance of your registration. We may refuse your registration in the event of, including but not limited to, provision of false information, participating with a false account, fraud, or any other violation of the Terms and Conditions.  

  • We shall not in any event be liable to any loss of or any inaccurate information arising from any way from or in connection with any system, server or connection failure. We reserve the right to amend, suspend, cancel, or terminate the Event. This clause shall take effect to the fullest extent permitted by law. 

  • We reserve the right to amend, change and suspend the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. The changes are applicable to all new and existing participants. If any part of the Terms and Conditions is unclear, we reserve the right interpret the Terms and Conditions as deemed appropriate.  

  • This Event allows participants to spend 1 night at designated area at IKEA Kowloon Bay Store. The Event will begin at 20:00 on 23 August 2024 and end at 10:00 the following day.  

  • In the case of discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.  

Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS) 

  • IKEA Hong Kong seeks to collect and use your personal information, including your name, gender, email address, phone number, Instagram username and photo(s) for the following purposes:
    a) processing your access, registration, enquiries, etc. in relation to the Event; and  
    b) contacting you to confirm your registration and make arrangement for the Event;

  • Onsite photographer may also take photos and/or videos of you during the Event for the following purposes: 
    a) publication on IKEA Hong Kong's social media platforms and other marketing channels for promotion of the Event and similar future events; and 
    b) recording keeping and administration functions.  

  • The entire Event area will be covered by CCTV cameras for security purposes.  

  • To facilitate the fulfilment of the above purposes, your personal information may be disclosed and/or transferred (whether in Hong Kong or in any other places/countries) to our affiliates, other third parties and/or third party services providers.   

  • By registering and/or participating in this Event, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your personal information as stated above. 

Eligibility and Registration 

  • The Event is open to participants aged 12 or above. Participants shall understand the risks and requirements of the Event and it is the participants' sole discretion to participate in the Event. 

  • Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a guardian of above 18 to attend this Event. 

  • Selected participants will be contacted through email and/or phone call. Participants must confirm the participation by replying to our email or WhatsApp message to secure their spot before 19 August, 2024. 

  • This Event is free of charge. 

  • Registration period ends on 13 August 2024 23:59. Participants shall submit their registration through IKEA Hong Kong website.  

  • This Event is for a limited number of participants and IKEA Hong Kong reserves the right to select the participants based on the content submitted. 

Physical and Health Conditions 

  • Any person who is suffering from any chronic disease such as heart disease or high blood pressure or is suffering from or has any symptoms of COVID-19 or other contagious disease should not participate in the Event. IKEA Hong Kong reserves the right to disallow/disqualify any person who is known to have any such condition. IKEA Hong Kong, at its sole discretion, also has the right to suspend any participant who appears or is suspected to be physically unfit or suffering from or having any symptoms of COVID-19 or other contagious disease from participating in the Event. 

  • Participant warrants and confirms to IKEA Hong Kong that he/she is physically fit to participate in and complete the entire Event without any medical or other assistance and that he/she is not suffering from and does not have any symptoms of COVID-19 or other contagious diseases. 

  • Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless IKEA Hong Kong from all losses and damages from:
    a) any injury or death suffered by the participant himself/herself or any other persons;  
    b) any damage to property; and
    c) any other participants or officials and staff of IKEA Hong Kong contracting COVID-19 or any other contagious disease as a result of him/her not being physically fit to participate in and complete the entire Event or suffering from COVID-19 or other contagious disease. 

Cancellation Policy 

  • Should the Event be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of IKEA Hong Kong or in the case of force majeure resulting in the Event being cancelled, IKEA Hong Kong shall have no other responsibilities and/or liabilities in relation to such cancellation.  

  • Notice of non-participation must be made at least 3 days prior to the Event date (i.e. no later than 21 August 2024 12nn). 

  • In the event of extreme weather, such as Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher, red rainstorm warnings, etc. being hoisted, IKEA Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel or change the date of the overnight Event for the safety of all participants. 

  • IKEA Hong Kong reserves the right to cancel the Event due to other unforeseen circumstances. 

  • IKEA Hong Kong will make every effort to communicate the cancelation to all participants at least 3 hours before the Event. 

Event Rules and Regulations 

  • Participants must arrive at the store (L4, MegaBox, 38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay) by 20:00 on the Event date and check in at the Reception area. 

  • Participants shall follow all IKEA Hong Kong store policies and instructions from the Event staff. 

  • Smoking, alcohol consumption, and the use of illegal substances are strictly prohibited. 

  • Participants are responsible for their own personal belongings and IKEA Hong Kong is not liable for any lost or damaged items. 

  • IKEA Hong Kong recommends participants refrain from bringing valuables to the Event, as IKEA Hong Kong cannot guarantee the safety of such items. 


  • Breakfast will be available from 08:45 to 09:45 on 24 August 2024.  

  • Participants with dietary restrictions or special dietary needs should notify IKEA Hong Kong before 19 August, 2024 so that appropriate accommodations can be made if possible. 

  • Light refreshments and water will be available during the overnight stay. 


By registering for this Event, participants agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. 

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