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IKEA Easy Recipe: Swedish Meatballs with Cream Sauce & Lingonberry Jam

Ingredients (Serves 4):

  • 40 ALLEMANSRÄTTEN meatballs, frozen
  • 1 pack ALLEMANSRÄTTEN mix for cream sauce
  • ALLEMANSRÄTTEN mashed potatoes, frozen
  • SYLT LINGON Organic lingonberry jam
  • 70 ml Fresh cream
  • 140 ml Water

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare the cream sauce:
    • Add water and cream sauce to pan and keep stirring
    • Add fresh cream
    • Stir with low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Cook mashed potatoes according to package instructions.
  3. Place meatballs in a non-stick frying pan and fry over medium heat. Cover and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Place mashed potatoes and meatballs on a plate.
  5. Top with sauce and lingonberry jam.

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