Product Comparison

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Total items 9
New lower price
GRÖNSAKSKAKA - vegetable medallion, frozen | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE281525_S4

vegetable medallion, frozen


Previous price: $59

Only available in-store


ALLEMANSRÄTTEN - mashed potatoes, frozen, 600 g | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE621757_S4

mashed potatoes, frozen, 600 g


Only available in-store


BÄSTISAR - Pasta, organic, 400 g | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE771440_S4

Pasta, organic, 400 g


Only available in-store

0 (0)

PIZZABITAR - pizza slice, vegetarian frozen | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE279488_S4

pizza slice, vegetarian frozen


Only available in-store


GRÄDDAT - soft thin flatbread, frozen, 240 g | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE809676_S4

soft thin flatbread, frozen, 240 g


Only available in-store

0 (0)

KNÄCKEBRÖD FLERKORN - multigrain crispbread | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE870839_S4

multigrain crispbread


Only available in-store

0 (0)

KNÄCKEBRÖD RÅG - rye crispbread | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE223510_S4

rye crispbread


Only available in-store

0 (0)

GÅNGLÅT - shredded potato pancakes, frozen, 480 g | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE913214_S4

shredded potato pancakes, frozen, 480 g


Only available in-store

0 (0)

SLAGVERK - breaded wheat-based pieces, frozen , 500 g | IKEA Hong Kong and Macau - PE914367_S4

breaded wheat-based pieces, frozen , 500 g


Only available in-store

0 (0)

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