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As if sofa beds aren’t clever enough to begin with, IKEA also has them in styles, sizes, colours and comfort levels to let you repurpose a space at will – living room to bedroom, cosy corner to guest space, day to night.
Isn’t it ironic that the time in life when you live in a tiny place, usually is the time when you have most stay-over friends? Well, no problem. With a smart sofa bed and furniture that can be rolled to the side, stacked in a pile or hung on the wall, there’s always room for overnight guests!
Multifunctional furniture is perfect when you don’t have much space. Like this SKÖNABÄCK sofa-bed. It’s a 2-seat sofa that you can extend for extra seating and to transform it into a bed. It even has storage inside for bed linen.
It’s a soft, generous sofa by day, perfect for relaxing on with your family and best friend, that turns into a comfy bed at night. You can relax when it comes to looking after it, too. The fabric has been treated with easy-care, so spills don’t seep in and you can just soak them up with a dry cloth.