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The ambition is that, by 2030, all materials in IKEA products will be renewable or recycled. Even today, it’s easier than ever to find affordable, high quality home furnishings that are more sustainable. In fact, 60% of the IKEA product range already uses renewable materials.
By 2030, the potential to repurpose, repair, reuse, resell or recycle will be built-in to every IKEA product. Of course, even today, there’s usually an easy and satisfying way to prolong the life of your furniture – rather than send it to the scrapheap.
Food plays a major role in human health – and has a huge impact on the environment from its production, processing and disposal. With more plant-based choices that are tasty, affordable and wholesome, you can easily eat your way to a lower carbon footprint.
Every day, a home might waste many litres of fresh water – and let energy fly out of the window. But there’s no need to flush your money down the drain. You can look at your household habits in a different way to both cut your utility bills and to reduce the strain on precious resources.
Lack of sleep and not enough exercise are health challenges that many people face today. Happily, there are simple solutions that can encourage better wellbeing at home.