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A kitchen island offers extra workspace and storage space but it can also be a great place to eat. Dress it up with a runner and your favourite tableware and you’re good to go.
The soft, bouncy qualities of a mattress make it comfortable to sleep on, but treacherous to eat on. A tray like this acts as a stable little table and even has space for your phone or tablet.
An armrest on a sofa is a useful thing, providing support for idle elbows. But at least some of the time, your arms are busy transporting food and drink to your face. An armrest tray will turn your sofa into a dining table and make life easier for your arms while they’re actually working.
The kids' room is a great place for a snack or meal, even for Mum and Dad, so why not let the littlies act the hosts? Setting the table with kid-friendly cutlery and tableware will make sure everyone enjoys their munchies.
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$9.9 / 100 pieces
Feb 13, 2025 - Mar 12, 2025
or while supplies last
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