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Incredible Makeover | A Bright Future for the Kid

The arrival of a new family member will often change the lifestyle of the whole family, and personal space will become a luxury. Mrs. Fok and her family moved to a bigger apartment four years ago, believing that the extra space would benefit the development of her son. However, the boy, now 7, was reluctant to be independent, and still slept with his mom rather than in his bedroom. Mrs. Fok hoped that IKEA could help them rebuild the balance with a makeover.


(1) The son thought his room looked like a storage room, and refused to sleep there; (2) he did not have a quiet place for learning, and had to do his homework by the window in the living room; (3) the family did not have a formal dining table, and usually had their meals at the coffee table. When friends visited, the kids had to play on the floor and eat at the coffee table and small desk

Daddy’s toys are rediscovered!
Daddy’s toys are rediscovered!

The highly adaptive living room

Modular sofa units can be rearranged as needed, transforming from a L-shaped sofa to a generous long sofa or even two sofas facing each other. By moving the sofa forward, the extra space can accommodate a dining table and a space-saving bench. Now the family can have a proper meal together!

A practical hallway with a view

A bed tray and two cushions can turn the windowsill with sea view into a cosy corner. To welcome the visiting guests, the hallway has a coat rack with storage bench to keep their jackets and bags, or even serve as the sterilization station.

A colourful space for the boy

The child did not like his old bedroom as he felt abandoned in there. The refurnished space now becomes a dream room that fulfills his every need. There is a nice spot for learning, and a reading corner on the windowsill. Under the bed is the toy storage that can turn the room into a playground.

A wardrobe for you and me

This large and flexible storage solution offers space for clothes, books and toys. The colourful doors also give the kid’s bedroom a fresh touch. The upper part keeps daddy’s items, and the lower part belongs to the little one, who now enjoys drawing on the doors with blackboard surface!

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