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Home 7 | A studio with soul: a small apartment with space for it all

“When I moved into my small apartment with my piano and vast record collection, I wondered how I would fit it all in. Thankfully, all it took was some time and imagination. A busy mind doesn’t have to mean a messy home, and this little space holding my life and work is proof of this!”

My living area isn't the usual crash-on-the-couch-after-work experience

“This is where I work. Sometimes I get so deep into my flow that I work far later than I should. In my quest to get closer to that elusive work-life balance, I've programmed my lights to dim at the end of the workday – a subtle (but effective!) reminder that it's time to step away from the piano and into the evening.”

Take a look at how this music composer fits her lively, layered life into a tiny apartment, without having to cut back on all the objects that bring her joy.

“Music lies at the centre of my home – whether I'm making it, picking out a record, or playing my new favourite song with just the touch of a button.”

Never underestimate the power of a small kitchen

“While I would never say no to an evening spent exploring the city, so many of my favourite nights have been in my little kitchen. It’s true! Because I don’t have a dining room, I’ve added seating in here, inadvertently turning my kitchen into my home’s social hub. In fact, many of my musical collabs have begun right here – drummed out on the worktop.”

There's a deceiving amount of closed storage in here

“I thought I’d have to trim down my appliance collection, but I’ve found a convenient spot for everything. It also means everything always looks tidy with minimal effort – super convenient! My two little spice racks are the only exposed storage, giving me easy access to all my favourite flavours and aromas.” See all jars & tins

I often find it tricky to switch off at night

“Maybe it’s because I work from home – maybe it’s the nature of my career. But since installing my smart, block-out blinds my sleep has changed, all for the better. They don’t just block out any glare from outside, they also open on their own in the morning, so I don't have to set an alarm. The magic of technology!”

Tones on tones

Can we have a moment for my adorable sink?

“It might be small, but it has just enough space below to fit my footstool when I'm not using it to grab a nail file from a top shelf of my cabinet. And in case you hadn’t noticed, smart light bulbs are my new best friend. Now the lighting in here is always perfect – whether I'm winding down or glamming up.”

Last minute lipstick check in the mirror and off I go!

“In my heart of hearts, I’m a full-blown maximalist. Thanks to these tall cabinets, my hallway is now a well-utilised home for all the things I've held onto, like my coveted handbag collection. Night on the town, here I come.”

Do you love your things but are short on space?

IKEA interior designer Joseph Abbott has some marvellous tips for how you can hold onto all the things that bring you joy by taking full advantage of open, closed and hidden storage – even in a small space.

Step into another home

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