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“I'd like to simplify my life, but I love my collections. How do I choose?”The minimalist movement is becoming more and more popular, and for good reason. Some people want to challenge the unsustainable culture of excess and consumerism; many like the idea of a calmer, less cluttered home; and for others it makes sense from a money perspective. But does going back to basics have to be so extreme? Interior designer Hans Blomquist thinks otherwise! |
The minimal home that most people have in mind is white and ultra-modern, which Hans thinks can look quite impersonal and cold. He really believes that it’s possible to create a pared-back space that still feels warm and inviting. In this apartment, he chose to use a warm camel shade on the walls throughout and added in plenty of natural materials for softness and texture.
A liveable balanceFor Hans, minimalism doesn’t have to be about getting rid of everything unessential. Rather, it can be more a state of mind: being more selective and mindful of the things you have, and how you organise them. |
Furnishing your home mindfully means thinking of the future as well as the now. Invest in pieces that are durable and versatile, with design that won't fall out of favour in a couple of seasons. Natural wood from responsible sources is one of Hans' favourite materials: it's strong and becomes more and more beautiful as the years go by.
The consistent use of colours and natural fibres in every room contributes to this home's calm and curated look.