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You want participants to quickly get and agree on a given context. Make it easy to understand where to go and what to do. Why not with a welcome sign on a noticeboard – that allows you to proceed with meeting notes on its whiteboard reverse?
Whenever you can, make meetings active. Animate participants, divide them into groups, change the room set-up over time. Furniture and room dividers that are easy to move make for a more fluid, customisable space. Do workshops. Gather standing up, just for a change or to think on your feet.
Take breaks. Serving snacks and drink in a separate space can be a good idea. It gives people time to move around, exchange fresh thoughts with each other, and return to the meeting energised.
Whether everyone’s at a single table or spread out, a conference room benefits from having a natural focal point. A BEKANT storage unit on castors is an ideal presenter’s pulpit. Besides being mobile and flexible, it has room for additional props, accessories and electronics. A meeting toolbox, if you will.
Where are you gathering? Is the room used for other purposes? When space-efficiency is key – make sure to have slimline, stackable chairs with proper seating comfort. If they happen to have washable covers and a clever back pocket perfect for personalised meeting kits, all the better.